Filing Bankruptcy During COVID-19

Financial Hardship During COVID-19

The onset of COVID-19 brought forth an unforeseen financial hardship for many Americans. With unprecedented numbers in unemployment, and undue burdens of financial hardship, the average American faces economic challenges that have not been seen before in many of our lifetimes. This is particularly true for many younger generations of the American workforce.

While we all hope for a swift economic recovery, it is difficult to determine what the near future may look like. Many Americans face the challenge of trying to decide their next step in moving forward with new norms. Whether COVID-19 brought forth an unexpected foreclosure, or the contemplation of bankruptcy, it is imperative to understand your rights and options. While we advise all consumers to contact lenders, debtors, and additionally encourage homeowners to research their options on the state and county level for potential safeguards, we understand the urgency for many.

Just as our firm was here for the Central Florida community during the recession, we are here for you now as we navigate these uncharted territories. Please contact us today so we can help you determine the right option for your particular circumstance as we tackle our new way of life during these trying times.

Ready To Speak With Us Today?

Call and schedule your consultation today, or fill out our case inquiry form. A representative from our office will reach out to you.
